

In Panzerdogs players use military dog avatars as in-game characters which impact gameplay. These avatars represent different dog breeds, have levels, exclusive special abilities, and statistics that can be upgraded/enhanced. Each avatar has an ultimate ability that can be used on the battlefield, e.g. one time bomb that paralyses all opponents for 10 seconds. An avatars rarity (breed/colour) will determine itโ€™s overall impact on progression systems such as Idle Earning and XP. Through levelling up an avatar, players can unlock unique and randomly generated bonuses, that allow players to tailor their Panzerdogs to suit their play style.

There are 4 types of Avatars in Panzerdogs:

  • Default Avatars: By creating a Panzerdogs account, players can select one of three default recruit avatars. This default dog is not an NFT, but can become by attaching an Equipment NFT to it. Default avatars do not have ultimate abilities, but can receive bonuses by attaching Equipment NFTs.

  • Earned NFT Avatars: Through in-game events and tournaments players will be able to claim/win new dog NFTs. These avatars can be used in game, and additionally can be exported to external wallets.

  • Panzerdogs NFT Avatars: We released a Genesis collection of 5555 Panzerdogs NFTs in November 2021, with 17 different dog breeds, wearing different equipment with multiple levels of rarity, randomised at mint. Panzerdogs Avatars have special in-game abilities depending on the dog breed. Equipment NFTs will give them special resource bonuses.

  • Cyberdogs NFT Avatars: Cyberdogs are created by merging 2 Panzerdogs NFT avatars with a โ€˜Cyber Pill NFTโ€™, burning both dogs to create a new Cyberdog with the โ€˜cyber augmentationโ€™ trait. Cyberdogs Avatars have special in-game abilities depending on the dog breed. Equipment NFTs will give them special resource bonuses.

Avatar Abilities

Avatar abilities will be introduced in a future update of Panzerdogs. Each dog breed has 1 ultimate ability that can be used in battle to strategically win a match. There are 6 different types of ultimate abilities which will have different effects and visual appearances depending on the dog breed. Each dog breed additionally had 1 passive ability which gives extra items in relation to progression.

Ultimate ability types:

  • Single Target DPS (damage per second).

  • AOE DPS (area of effect damage per second).

  • Pushing/advancing.

  • Defending/holding ground.

  • Buff/Debuff.

  • Healing.

Passive ability types:

  • Earn XP.

  • Earn Scrap.

  • Earn Panzer Packs.

Avatar Ownership: It's important to note that if an Avatar NFT is sold or removed from a player's wallet, the dog and special abilities will be removed.

Last updated