๐ŸคFree to Play

COSMOCADIA is a Free-to-Play game, meaning that players do not have to make an upfront investment in the form of an NFT to play the game. Later on, free-to-play players can still buy an NFT and contribute to the game economy and ecosystem. Players can play the game on Web and Mobile for free.

How it works

New players that do not have an avatar NFT imported when opening the game are given access to a selection of free avatars to choose from. This free non-NFT avatar cannot be traded on any marketplace and does not have any benefits, unlike their NFT counterparts.

Players using a non-NFT character can play the entire game. Free-to-Play players can join in on events and earn rewards including NFTs and Tokens through their contributions. When playing with a non-NFT avatar, all NFTs and other on-chain items are off-chain until a purchase has been made. They can also join peopleโ€™s private land, or work on their own, although private land is an NFT that has to be bought or rented. When a player, both Free-to-Play or NFT, opens up the game, the controls are always briefly shown.

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